Product updates
January 8, 2025
January 2020
- Share content: Width and height settings are added when sharing content externally by embedding system.
- User interface: Added new menu option of “Access Settings” to the contextual menus in cards (inside the pages). This way you can configure access to a card while you are viewing a page.
- Color palettes: Color palette options are extended. Now chart cards with more than 15 divisions will be displayed with different colors.
- Top, Bottom and Interval filters: Added support for this type of filters for MongoDB data sources.
Bug fixes:
- Personal space for basic users: Fixed a problem for basic users that makes the personal space screen accessible in certain cases. Basic users do not have personal space functionality activated.
- Data visualizations - Charts: Fixed problem in the color selection of stacked bar charts. When changing the division field the selected color is not displayed correctly.
- Interfaz de usuario: Fixed some styles in dialogues.