Product updates

May 31, 2023

May 2023

New functionalities:
  • New type of Bullets chart. With this new type of chart, the value of a metric between an initial and a final value can be visualized in a very easy and intuitive way for the end user. A very common use case is to build progress bars, with different formats, colors and configurations. You can also include a metric as a target value to check progress or compliance. If you include a dimension field in the chart editor, there will be displayed as many bars as there are elements in the dimension! The start and end values can be dynamic if you use data fields.

Biuwer - New type of Bullets chart

  • Navigation actions available in Embedded Analytics. When you embed Biuwer in external applications or share it externally, you can already use the configured actions. This allows you to implement multi-step analysis flows. Use the new floating utility area at the top to navigate backwards. Configure in detail how you want the filters to propagate between different contents (pages or cards).

Biuwer - Navigation actions available in Embedded Analytics

  • New mechanism to pause and resume automatic data synchronizations for Application type connections, e.g. cloud APIs that you have connected to Biuwer.

Biuwer - New mechanism to pause and resume automatic data synchronizations

  • We have improved the export of numerical data to Excel and CSV files, so that regardless of the visual formatting you have applied in Biuwer, they are always exported as numbers directly usable in Excel or other applications. This means that if you set up percentages, currencies, thousands separators... Biuwer will remove them when exporting these fields.
  • Clearer messages have been included to explain the inheritance of permissions that are set up in Biuwer in Shared Spaces.

Biuwer - New messages to explain the inheritance of permissions

  • The navigation system has been improved to correctly apply in destination dependent filters in all cases. This means that when navigating between contents, a filter can be mapped to a destination on which others depend and these will have the correct values.
  • In the configuration of Data Policies of Data Sets, from now on the filter itself configured for the user who is doing it is not applied.
Bug fixes:
  • Fixed a bug in BETWEEN filter expressions at DAY level for MONGODB when TIMEZONE is applied in the connection.
  • The closing of connections has been included in the Reverse Engineering processes, when obtaining Datasets from Database type connections.
  • Other minor fixes.