Performance optimization for displaying complex pages, with a large number of Cards and Filters. As we say, continuous performance improvement is vital at Biuwer and we have worked hard to minimize the load time of pages with complex content (e.g. 10 filters and 20 cards). We estimate that performance has been improved in some cases by more than 100% over previous load times.
Performance improvement for processing large amounts of data on screen. This improvement is an example of joint work with one of the accounts, which requires displaying tables of up to 1 million records and up to 30 columns. Obviously the volume of data to be processed is quite high and we have improved performance for these cases.
The Google Ads API version has been updated to the latest version 17.
Support has been included to get Materialized Views in Reverse Engineering, inside the Data Center. Until now only Tables and Views that have a SQL compatible database were displayed, and from now on you can add to Biuwer the necessary metadata to query your Materialized Views.
Fixed the reported error that prevented closing the filter configuration dialog in the Dataset Data Policies, for some specific cases.
Fixed the problem of displaying some base maps, in Map Cards, that did not work correctly. Base maps are the geographic layers that serve as background in your maps, on which the layers with your data are superimposed.
We have fixed some connection problems in SSH tunnel connections.
Fixed reported bug when creating a Rich Text Card.
Fixed the reported bug in the totals formulas in Table Cards, which did not work correctly in some cases using Card Calculated Fields.
Other minor fixes.